Doral Dental Specialty Center

Why Do We Need Wisdom Teeth?

You likely have a lot of questions involving wisdom teeth. The third molars that erupt at different ages require different levels of removal are on their way out. Although they do not serve a vital purpose, it is important to understand what they are and why they are removed.

The following common questions will shed light on these hard to reach teeth:

Why do we get wisdom teeth?

Evolution has made wisdom teeth non-vital but there was a time when they were important. Anthropologists cite that our ancestor’s diets of rough food (without the help of technology or utensils), required a third set of molars for more grinding and chewing power. As our diets progressed, the necessity for third molars decreased as well as our mouth sizes. We have now reached the point where anthropologists now classify them as vestigial (functionless due to evolution) organs.

What age do you get your wisdom teeth out?

The answer varies from person to person. As tooth development progresses, it follows a pattern. What begins as baby primary teeth are pushed out and replaced by permanent teeth. Typically, the first molar erupts at the age of six and is then followed by the second molar approximately 6 years later. Wisdom teeth are the last to develop and usually start forming around ten years of age. The eruption of wisdom teeth can be expected between the ages of 17 and 25.

Can you keep your wisdom teeth?

The necessity for removal also depends upon individuals. Some people keep their wisdom teeth if there is ample room in the mouth and no impaction occurs. If left, wisdom teeth make oral hygiene a more difficult process as food, plaque and tartar can cling to these hard-to-reach back teeth.

On the other hand, it is far more common for wisdom teeth to be removed and is often completed before they erupt. Complications can occur if they are allowed to remain in the mouth. Oral problems such as crowding, displacement, and impacted wisdom teeth can occur without proper removal.

Can your wisdom teeth grow back?

The vast majority of people have only four wisdom teeth. With that being said, it is possible, but rare, for individuals to have extra wisdom teeth. These supernumerary teeth can erupt if left in after the main wisdom teeth are removed. Your surgeon will analyze X-rays to determine your exact number, positioning and the best course for removal. To answer the question, wisdom teeth do not grow back but it is possible to have more than four.

All in all, it is best to have your wisdom teeth removed. By allowing more room for other permanent teeth, removing possible areas where dental hygiene would be difficult, and eliminating many future complications, wisdom teeth removal is the best course of action. Contact Doral Dental Specialists today for a consultation and to talk with them regarding your wisdom teeth. Planning and removal now save money and pain down the road. Our expert staff will provide unmatched care, precision and post-op treatment.