Doral Dental Specialty Center

Re-treatment of Root Canal

Re-Treatment of Root Canal

After your previous root canal procedure, there is a very rare chance that the tooth or some teeth may not have healed as per the expectations. Sometimes, a new infection may have set-in and may require you to get another root canal. This will usually be the case when your previous treatment didn’t eradicate the infection. Sometimes, the tooth may get damaged or loose and a new infection may have developed. At Doral Dental Specialty Center, we provide root canal re-treatment to help you restore your tooth. We are located in Doral and serve the surrounding communities in both Doral and Miami.

When You May Need a Re-treatment for Root Canal?

Pain when chewing and swelling are common symptoms that your root canal hasn’t healed or there is a new infection. However, some patients may not experience any symptoms from reinfection. Some of the scenarios that we come across when re-treatment is the most reasonable course of treatment include:
During the re-treatment procedure, our endodontists will ensure any decay is thoroughly cleared out.

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The Root Canal Re-Treatment Procedure

The retreatment procedure is similar to the root canal treatment process. however, there are some additional steps involved in it. It will usually require you to make two visits to our office.
First Visit
During the initial visit you should expect the following:
The antibiotic material is left for some time to eliminate the greatest number of bacteria. This increases the chances of the tooth healing.
Second Visit

During the second visit, you should expect the following:

This temporary filling is when we restore the tooth. It is important to follow a routine monitoring schedule to ensure your tooth is restored to its full functionality.


After your root canal re-treatment, you may experience discomfort, pain, or tenderness. It is recommended to avoid biting and chewing from the treated side. Our dentists may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication to help you feel comfortable.

Root canal re-treatment is a highly successful treatment. You can expect permanent results and your tooth can return to normal functioning. We suggest routine dental examination and cleaning to ensure that our dentists can detect any problems before they deteriorate.