Even if you follow diligent oral hygiene, you can develop cavities. Our Dentist in Doral, FL, can identify tooth decay and treat them before the tooth needs an extraction or falls out. At Doral Dental Specialty Center, we provide comprehensive dental care and treatment. Whether you are showing symptoms of cavities or not, our dentist, Dr. Bravo, can take care of all kinds of dental concerns and carry out the required examination to reveal your cavities. Depending on extent of your dental caries, your dentist will formulate the right treatment to suit your needs. If you have less cavity then a simple filling would do, while for severe conditions, you might need a root canal treatment.
Cavities are damaged areas on the hard surface of your teeth. They develop and form tiny holes or openings. They are also referred to as caries or tooth decay and can be caused by a combination of reasons including:
When cavities are left untreated, they can become larger and reach the deeper layers, causing severe toothache, infection, and even tooth loss.
The symptoms of cavities can be different for every individual and depend on where they occur and their stage. During the initial phase, you may not show any symptoms. When the decay becomes larger, the following signs and symptoms can appear:
If you have any of these symptoms, then visit our dental office in Doral, FL. At Doral Dental Specialty Center, our office offers multiple dental specialties. This means your child or you yourself can receive comprehensive dental care and treatment in one place.