Doral Dental Specialty Center

Choosing the Dental Filling Option that’s Best for You

Did you know there are as many types of dental fillings as there are flavors of ice cream? Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration. Still, when you visit the dentist with a cavity, there are many filling options. Most of us just sit in the chair, open our mouths, and let the dentist work his or her magic. But have you ever stopped to consider what the dentist is filling and restoring your decayed or broken tooth with?

Five types of dental fillings

There are five basic kinds of dental filing material. The dentist decides which type to use based on the degree of the decay, the cost of the material, and the type of dental insurance you have.
For more information about fillings, or to schedule an appointment with Drs. Pagani, Fernandez-Feo, Avendano, Garcia and Contreras, please give us a call at our convenient Doral, Florida office!