Doral Dental Specialty Center


Doral Dental Specialists: How Tooth-Colored Fillings Improve Your Smile
Doral Dental Specialists: How Tooth-Colored Fillings Improve Your Smile Today’s crowns, veneers, and...
Doral Dentistry: Electric or Manual Toothbrush: Why It Does (and Doesn’t) Matter
Doral Dentistry: Electric or Manual Toothbrush: Why It Does (and Doesn’t) Matter You live in the...
Choosing the Dental Filling Option that’s Best for You
Choosing the Dental Filling Option that’s Best for You Did you know there are as many types of dental...
Doral Dental Care: How to Handle an Unexpected Dental Emergency
Doral Dental Care: How to Handle an Unexpected Dental Emergency Regardless of the type of dental emergency...
Doral Dental Insurance: Year-End Insurance Reminder
Doral Dental Insurance: Year-End Insurance Reminder Drs. Pagani, Fernandez-Feo, Avendano, Garcia and...
Your Doral, FL Dentist: We are committed to your oral health!
Your Doral, FL Dentist: We are committed to your oral health! Dental visits are often negatively associated...
Dentist in Doral: How much calcium does my child need?
Dentist in Doral: How much calcium does my child need? When you were a kid, your parents may have told...
Doral Dentist: Periodontal disease; I have what?!
Doral Dentist: Periodontal disease; I have what?! Our team from Doral Dental Specialists understands...
HPV and Oral Cancer
HPV and Oral Cancer Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is best known as a sexually transmitted infection....
Oral Health Concerns for Teens
Oral Health Concerns for Teens You have a lot more freedom as a teenager than you did as a young child....
What are dental sealants and how do they work?
What are dental sealants and how do they work? A dental sealant is a liquid that is applied to the teeth....
Heart Disease and Oral Health
Heart Disease and Oral Health According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,...
Does smoking affect oral health?
Does smoking affect oral health? By now, everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. But the truth is...
Is sleep apnea linked to cancer? Studies say, ‘Yes’.
Is sleep apnea linked to cancer? Studies say, ‘Yes’. Recently, multiple studies have concluded that people...
Antibiotic Prophylaxis or Pre-Medication
Antibiotic Prophylaxis or Pre-Medication At Doral Dental Specialists, we know the human mouth contains...
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